Glasses Make a Wonderful Difference!

Zoya with glasses.jpg

Glasses Make a Wonderful Difference! 

After a caring, concerned parent read the blog posts describing how five of my students view a page of print, I received an email from this anxious mom. She was worried because her daughter had recently said to her that the letters were moving on the paper! 

I wrote back to her with suggestions to try Irlen colored overlays and to take her daughter to an ophthalmologist to have her eyes examined if she hadn’t taken her recently. 

A couple of weeks ago, I received this wonderful email that Mom said I could share with you: 

We were able to take Zoya to the regular eye doctor last week. She has some farsighted vision. The doctor hopes that regular glasses will also improve her eyes functioning together, as her right eye is not as strong as her left. 

She has been very pleased with the glasses helping the letters to hold still! 

And now while we are driving places, she has become able to call out different words that she sees and she is trying to read them. I’m so proud of her progression. 

Thank you for the recommendation to see the eye doctor. 

Here she is in her new frames.


Look at that big, happy smile on such a beautiful girl!

If you are questioning whether someone in your life is dyslexic and you’re not sure what to do, feel free to contact us.

Linda Katherine Smith-Jones                            Nina Henson