Freedom of Individualized Spelling

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The “Oh So Good Feelings” Individualized Spelling Tests Bring 

Now that you know that you can easily and quickly create spelling lists, please take the following into consideration: 

As educators, we must always be cognizant of our students’ needs. Students should never feel uncomfortable, embarrassed or unintelligent in their educational settings. We must impart peacefulness and happiness in our students while watching their self-confidence grow. We must teach them in a way that quickly ensures their success.  

Phonetic Reading with Silent Elephant “e” does just that! 

With our perfectly created leveled spelling lists in hand (which include no exceptions to the lesson’s objective), there is just one more thing for us to be mindful of: 

Our children need individualized spelling lists that contain just the right number of words to grow and develop their skills while offering a bit of a challenge. 

In the beginning, dyslexic learners, struggling learners and ELL learners might need you to shorten their spelling lists, so they can truly be successful in spelling. You might need to begin by giving them a list of only 3 words. 

When a child consistently spells the required 3 words correctly, add another word. Continue this pattern of adding an additional word as a child’s spelling skills grow. 

When children reach that “Oh, I get it!” awareness that the phonics rule needed in reading is exactly the same as the phonics rule needed in spelling, you will be able to add many more spelling words to their lists and they will easily learn to spell the new words.

 But first, you must start with where they are.

You must relax with them only having a few words in the beginning, if that is what they need.  

With Silent Elephant “e” you are on your way to developing strong, self-assured, capable students in reading, writing and spelling!  

In my next Spelling blog post, I will share several more relevant teaching ideas for spelling instruction. Teaching ideas that have worked for ALL LEARNERS!! 

If you have further questions about spelling the Silent Elephant “e” way, feel free to contact us.

Linda Katherine Smith-Jones                            Nina Henson