Get a PLAN for Summer Activities and Do It

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Get a PLAN for Summer Activities and DO It

A FUN summer (or anytime of the year) activity is practicing writing words in pudding. It’s a wonderfully fun way to begin educational summer activities and there are many different flavors of pudding which keeps it interesting.  

Sometimes when the warm weather arrives, it can bring a feeling of “It’s summer! The kids need a break from reading.” 

But here’s the truth!! 

Nothing could be further from the truth—especially for a dyslexic reader, a struggling reader, a child with learning differences, and really for every reader! 

It’s true that they’ll get a break from the “normal” routines of school,

but taking a break from practicing their reading, writing and spelling skills is not a good idea.  

In fact, it’s absolutely vital that you read to your children and have them read to you every day summer, winter, spring and fall.   

This is especially vital if they are dyslexic or struggling in any way.  

Taking a two to three month break in practicing their reading skills will cause them to lose ground on their skills they worked so hard to achieve.  

This sense of loss will cause their confidence to take a large dip when they return to reading, writing and spelling, because they will realize they no longer have the skills they worked hard to learn.  

This is a dip they do not need to take and one that can set them back further than the two to three months of summer break. 

What to do? 

Make a plan for reading, writing and spelling this summer!

·       Check out summer programs at the local library and bookstores.

·       Make a list of books you and they would like to read.

·       Make a list of subjects you and they are interested in exploring.

-Write a couple of sentences about why these subjects have caught your and their attention.

-Discuss why you and they are interested in learning more about these subjects.

·       Before you head off on vacation, explore where you will be going in books and on the Internet, and write plans for what you’d like to do when you arrive at your vacation destination. Exploring and planning practices their skills and sets up positive expectation of the fun they will have.

·       Review my blog post “10 Fun Spelling Activities” and get out the pudding! 

Make your main objectives –




If you have further questions about summer activities, feel free to contact us. We have MANY ideas waiting for you.

Linda Katherine Smith-Jones                            Nina Henson