Question - How Are You Feeling About School Starting?

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How Are You Feeling About School Starting? 

It’s August! And even though summer is in full swing, thoughts of school are in the air. 

If you ended last school year eager for summer to begin because you were concerned about your children’s learning and you needed a break from watching them struggle, you’ll find that your worries are still lurking around the hotdogs and the swimming pool. 

Now is the time to sit down and ask yourself these questions:

·       Am I feeling confident about this coming school year?

·       Am I feeling concerned--a little concerned, or a lot concerned?

·       What specifically am I concerned about?

·       Am I feeling that my children are ready, eager, and confident to begin this new school year?

·       Am I sensing that my children are feeling stress at just the thought of the quickly approaching school year? 

No matter how old your children are, you know their feelings about the coming school year, and you know that you are experiencing similar feelings. 

If they are stressed, scared, and unsure, you are feeling that stress too.  

Here’s an action you can take to relieve your mind and heart if your answers to these questions leave you wondering, “WHAT can I do?” 

Contact us!

It’s that simple.

Call or email

We have expertise, knowledge and experience, and we will truly love helping you. 

Together we’ll explore and find the best path for your child/children. We’ll begin with an understanding of how they learn. We’ll discuss if they have dyslexia and/or another learning difference. We’ll discover and list skills they need. 

Whatever their individual and specific needs are, we will address them and set up the best path for you to guide them to achieve their successes in school and life.  

Together our intention will be to ensure that your child/children are eager, ready and competent for whatever the school year brings. 

EVERY child, EVERY student deserves to feel that they are and always will be successful.  

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For those of you are who are reading this and thinking, “YAY! I feel so good about where my young ones are and how they are doing,”


And please do this! 

Please stop for a few minutes and let your mind think back to any conversations or times when you noticed a friend or family member who was not feeling that same confidence in their children’s success. 

PLEASE tell them about Phonetic Reading with Silent Elephant “e” and explain why you are telling them about Silent Elephant “e” —because you are concerned about them and their worries about their children. 

AND, because EVERY child, EVERY student deserves to feel the confidence

that they are and always will be a success! 

We feel so honored that we are here to help! We are eager to visit with you. 

If you have further questions about preparing for the coming school year, feel free to contact us.

Linda Katherine Smith-Jones                            Nina Henson