Buttons are Popping!

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Buttons are Popping!

I’ve been walked around with a big smile for days.
As the schools have been doing their winter assessing using Dibles (a timed reading assessment), I have been receiving several emails and phone calls from parents of children I am tutoring this past week. ‘My parents’ are so proud of their kiddos and want to share the tremendous improvement their children are making.

Now, it’s my turn to share. 😊

A parent of a profoundly dyslexic daughter with ADD sent me an email to tell me that her daughter had gone from 58 to 98 wpm since this past fall. Mom was so proud!

A 4th grade parent called to tell me that her son went from 64 wpm to 111 wpm. This young man needs to gain only 14 wpm by early June. He will do it! I have no doubts!

Another parent of a 3rd grader I am presently tutoring, called me this past week to tell me that her daughter went from 46 wpm this fall to 148 wpm! She has already met her grade level goal!

More good news arrived about another 3rd grade boy I’m tutoring. He scored 57 wpm this fall and just last week scored 161 wpm surpassing the 3rd grade goal!

A 2nd grade boy went from 28 wpm this fall to 97 wpm last week!

A Kindergartener is already reading at a First Reader level!

I even received this email from the parent of one of my former students who recently graduated from Silent Elephant “e”. “Thought you would be happy to hear about ‘Elizabeth’s’ reading improvement. (She is a third grader with degenerative hearing loss.) Elizabeth scored 58 wpm during fall Dibles (was nervous), but last week for winter Dibles she read 121 wpm! The goal is 110 wpm by the end of the year. We are so excited!! She is really enjoying reading now too!

I love that “my parents” are so proud of their young ones that they eagerly contact me to share.

I am so grateful that ‘my parents’ trust me to be a part of their children’s education.

I am extremely proud of each and every one of my kiddos!
I can't quit smiling!

If you have any questions about Silent Elephant “e”, contact us.

Linda Katherine Smith-Jones Nina Henson